Overcoming Impunity in Post-Transition Disappearances (OID)

Despite their transitions from authoritarian rule and the consolidation of procedural democracy, both Mexico and Brazil continue to experience high numbers of disappearances. The disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa students in 2016 drew international attention to this phenomenon in Mexico, without sufficient attention to the disappearances throughout the country or in other countries of the region, such as Brazil. This project attempts to overcome the absence of information on the ongoing disappearances.

Together with researchers at FLACSO-Mexico and the University of Minnesota, the Oxford team has helped build an Observatory of the Disappeared. In the initial phase of this project, the collaboration has coded cases of disappeared in the state of Nuevo Leon working together with Ciudadanos en Apoyo a los Derechos Humanos (CADHAC).

This project benefits from support provided by the Newton Fund-British Academy Fund and the Open Society Foundation.

Team Members

University of Oxford
University of Minnesota