Event Date: 4 May 2021
Event Participants: Leigh A. Payne, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Carla Moscoso, Koldo Casla
Event Host: University of Essex Human Rights Centre
Location: Webinar
Event Topic: Human Rights Speaker Series
Understanding the role of economic actors in sustaining yesterday’s dictatorship is crucial to achieve justice, memory, reparation and equality in today’s democracy. That is a central argument of “Pinochet’s Economic Accomplices: An Unequal Country by Force” (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021).
The physiognomy of the Chilean economy imposed by the dictatorship in the 1970s and 80s is still in place in the 21st century. The economic system continues benefiting a few at the expense of the majority of the population. This explains, to a great extent, why towards the end of 2019, millions of Chileans marched to denounce high levels of inequality, and why the State reacted with cruel repression against them.
Looking at the past, present and future, the panel will discuss the consequences of Covid-19 for social rights and equality in Chile, in the context of the ongoing constitutional process in the country.
Watch the event here.